Android slowing down
Android phone slowing down We use android phone for a wide variety of activities and it has become the most important device we use today, unless it has a lot of RAM and processing power the device tend to slow down with time and causes frustration because even the basic functions like making a call or sending / reading a text takes longer. here are some common things that you can perform in order to get back some speed. Apps we tend to install apps on a regular basis but rarely use them, some of these apps run in background or take a lot of memory space, it is not just true about third party apps , even the manufacturers app does clog up lot of resources, some of these apps that run in background and bloat are. Facebook Linkedin naukri etc. one of the best way to reduce this bloat is to uninstall the app and reinstall again later. same is true for google contact or people app. If you have synchronized the contacts with google ...